April 14, 2010

Behind those Scenes

 This is not part of the story. Just some rambling thoughts, tests, and unused screen shots

Behind The Story

Chapter 5: Rose was swimming in Pierre's pool.
Pierre challenged her on a breathing contest and left her in the pool. Val went to Pierre's house. That time,  Val got an option "What on Earth are you doing?" under the mean menu. I thought  it was cool, EA. Pretty sweet.

Chapter 6: Annabelle insulted Rose in Val's room.
Val came into the room, hugged Rose, and he really wanted to snub Annabelle, but I could not find the option to snub her. If anyone knows about this, please let me know => Now, you can do that in generations.


When they were at home in Sunset Valley, as any other teens they did their homework and played with their friends, but those poor kids were getting really stressed out by their homework. Val got B, and Rose managed to get  A.  Now, we know who is the smarter one. 
Val: "I hear you."

I did try to take them for a little adventure. Val was so sure that he could disarm those traps. Luckily, Rose managed to find a switch in a hole. He might have thought that he was the one who had disarmed those traps.

So, here it is. He was bragging about it to her. 
Val: "I wasn't bragging!"


But inside, Val got electrified. If this is "10.000 miles of Broken Heart", I will keep and post this one. 
Val: "You're having fun, weren't you?"

Anyway, I forgot to tell him to buy a shower in a can, and he had to run just for a bath. Luckily, next to the Chateau there was a small barn with a fridge, bed, and shower. 
Val: "Do you really have to show this?"
Poor Rose was trapped in the middle and Val could not help her. 
Val: "I know I shouldn't have trusted you."

Another Crazier Test

I also did a test to figure out who he likes the most, Annabelle or Rosaline. I granted his wish and guess what!
Each time Annabelle did something bad to Rose, he wanted to be mean to her.
He only has Rose in his romantic wishes, like making a dinner for her. I guess that counts a lot and that was one of the reasons why I ended the chapter that way.
Val: "I know, I am such a sweet guy, am I?"
M.J: (winked) "Don't brag. I know what you were up too."


I downloaded a mod that enables teen marriage, and LoL! He wanted to marry her.
Val: "I want to marry her, MJ."
M.J.: "What?! You've got to be kidding me. You and Rose are still teens."
Val: "I know, but I will grow up soon."
M.J: "You will, but she's still a teen. It's against the law. Furthermore, that you are now still a teen, how are you going to afford a living for you and Rose?"
Val: "We will make it. I did afford a living for her and me and there's no law here."
M.J.: "Yes, there is no law that forbids it in this game, but EA didn't allow it in the first place. And Val, you almost run out of money. Remember, you always worried about money? Besides, you can only find a part-time job now. You will never be able to pay those bills. And don't tell me that you want to marry her because she had a little Val in there!"
Val: "Of course not! I will never do that to her. I'm in love with her."
M.J.: "Okay, okay, I believe you."
Val: "So, would you let me marry her?"
M.J.: "Here we go again. Are you sure? Marriage is a big deal. You're still young and have lots of dreams. If you marry her now, you will realize that there's something missing in your life. I'm not talking about other girl, but your own dreams. She has a dream too. She wants to be a doctor, remember? You can wait until the right time and I will let you marry her if you still want it "

After that conversation, I uninstalled the mod from the game. Sorry Val, but I wasn't going to tell stories about teen marriage.

Unused Screen shots


M.J. : "Rose and Val as a kid were playing at Landgraab household. Those kids were so polite. I love how sims always greet everyone they met. Next!"

M.J.: "We may change our opinion about Rose after this. Rose was supposed to be good, never think of doing anything harm with other sims. But, I guess she could not hold it anymore. I was a bit surprise."
Rose: "She was being awful. Couldn't you see that?"
M.J.: "Okay. Next!"


M.J.: "I put new objects into the house. Rose saw it and clapped her hands."
Rose: "I never saw them before. EA never sold those objects."
M.J: "Yes, I found them outside the store, but Valentin wasn't that excited like you. He even cried seeing them. By the way, your skirt is too short, same like Annabelle's. Go to dresser again! I will find you much longer one. Next!"
M.J.: "Speaking of Annabelle, she did come to the house, ate foods, took a bath and slept there. Maybe, because she was an inappropriate sim? I captured a picture of her when  she was staring at the family picture. I could use this as a sign of her longing for her mom and dad to be reunited again, but I noticed a hole on the wall back there."
Val: "What have you done to our house?" 
M.J.: "Next!"

M.J.: "The view of the woman sneezing there is not that awesome, so I didn't use this picture. I wonder why they always snort, but never got a cold."
Rose: "We are immune from all diseases, except for getting a nauseous."
M.J.: "And you want to be a doctor?  Next!"

Rose: "I remember this one. What were you and Val doing there? I told you to put the camera off!"
M.J.: "I was going to take a picture of you getting surprised by Val coming in there in a sudden, but those mosaics covered it up. Don't worry! I'm sure, Val didn't see a thing. Next!"
M.J.: "This shot was supposed to be used when Rosaline and Annabelle have become friends, but Annabelle's skirt ruined everything. However, I didn't want to see what was under her skirt anyway."
Val: "I don't mind seeing it."
M.J.: "Really? And I was about to bump you on your head."
Val: "When?"
M.J.: "In this picture. See? The telescope was about to bump you on your head."
Val: "That's because you are not a professional photographer."
M.J.: "Now, I really wish that the telescope had really bump you on the head."
Val : "What?"
M.J.: "Nothing. Next!"

M.J.: "The view was beautiful. There were trees, flowers, hills, but Val was in his pajamas."
Val: "I'm still looking good and handsome in pajamas."
M.J.: (bored) "Will somebody please bump his head? Next!"

M.J.: "This time the telescope did not hit Val's head and we can see the Eiffel tower, but according to the story they went there at night." (Sigh)
Val : "So, just change the story."
M.J.: "Is someone talking? Next!"

M.J.: "Valentin White!"
Val: "Don't blame me for that! It was because of the dress. She said she was feeling cold and I could not lend him my jacket so...."
M.J.: "So, you let yourself to make her feel warm. I know. You've got a point there, but still... . Next!"
M.J: "What were you looking at? I told you to go jogging outside."
Val: "You just hate to see me happy, do you?"


M.J: (smiling) "But, you'll find beautiful views outside. That house is very pretty, isn't it? Too bad  your father didn't buy this. But, the view from your house is also beautiful. You can even see the train there."
Val: "Where? Oh, that. I like it too. Can I buy that house someday?"
M.J.: "Of course, after you've became a young adult and got a job. Next, please!"

M.J: "LoL! What is this? Val, you cannot possibly ask her to be your girlfriend!"
Val: "Why not? Looks like she wanted it too."
M.J: (sigh) "You and those flirtatious jokes. I will do something about it."
Val: "What? What did you say?"
M.J.: "Eh, nothing…"


Val: "M.J, what is he doing here?"
M.J.: "Are you being jealous?"
Val : "No, I am not. I just want to remind you that I'm one of the main characters here and the main character usually gets his girl."
M.J: "Says who? You really like her, aren't you?"


M.J: "You keep thinking about her."
Val: "How couldn't I? She's the only sim in my house."
M.J: "Oh, yes. I know that."


M.J: "But, I bet you were thinking about her in this picture, right?"
Val: "No, I was thinking when you would let us alone without a camera."


M.J: "For what? So, you two can always do these silly things?"
Val: "Those are not silly. You are not fun at all, aren't you?"
M.J: (sigh) "Why are you and I always argue?"
Val: "Don't ask me."
**sigh** Just can't get enough of these two.

Being A Teen: Words of advice from someone who's been there (Teens & Young Adults)
Preparing for Marriage: Discover God's Plan for a Lifetime of Love
The Betterphoto Guide to Digital Photography (Amphoto Guide Series) 
Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with a Film or Digital Camera (Updated Edition)
The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos
Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4


Anonymous said...

This is great. I have laughed through the entire thing.

That beautiful dress,the mop and bucket and so many other things I have seen in your game make me want custom content but I just don't want to take the time to download and stuff. I also still worry about what will happen the next time I go to patch or add an EP. I'll just continue to live without the "extras".

Di Al Martini said...

I understand that Dee. I had a problem with CC too once. Like wise men said : "Too much will kill you" in this case: if there are too many of them, it will cause problems to this game. They once made my game much slower and I found difficulty just to delete them. Sometimes, dress appear nice, but they will make my sims look skinny (not in normal type of thin, but unusual that make them look unreal). For now I am still looking for new female hair, especially for Rosaline when she has become a young adult. I just still could not find the one that match her character, from EA or CC. New hair from EA are beautiful though.

Anonymous said...

I love the new EA hair. Either the hair designer is getting better or they have a new hair designer.

Di Al Martini said...

Maybe beside those, they have done lots of research too :) I hope they will make more great items, but they are rather expensive if converted to my currency. So, I am a bit picky when it comes to EA store content. Anyway, do you know how to snub a teen? I never found the option. Before they have become friends, Rose has a red relationship bar with Annabelle, but still I could not find the option to snub her.

Anonymous said...

I've never even seen the want to snub. I was hoping someone would come in and tell both of us. I would think it would be in the mean section but am sure you looked there.

Berry said...

I Simply adore that first shot of Rose looking through the telescope. Its is so beautiful! The light behind and the tower! Wow! Love it. Fun little tidbits there M.J. :3

Di Al Martini said...

Thank you, Berry. I wished they could really go to that Eiffel Tower. At least a view from a distance was quite enough :)

PiB - Nicarra said...

Love some of the pics in the post. I agree that it would be nice if they could go to the Eiffel Tower, or ride the train that passes by in the distance.

I can see that you were having fun arguing with your Sims. :)

Di Al Martini said...

Ooh, I will surely love if they can ride the train. I remember now that in TS 2, our sims can ride a helicopter but that is just it. I would love more if we could actually followed them inside and took them for a ride around the neighborhood and we could see the view and perhaps random situation of our sims got an accident afterward :P

Jen said...

Hahahaha that was wonderful! I love these dialogues that people write with their sims. They really tickle my funny bone! lol ;)